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Conference paper information

Energy burden in a time of crisis: analysing the evolution of electricity bills in Spanish households

R. Barrella

XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética, Castellon de la Plana (Spain). 24-26 May 2023


The current global energy price crisis has caused unprecedented increases in electricity and gas bills. To contrast this rise, the Spanish government implemented several ‘emergency measures’ to protect energy consumers.
This paper theoretically estimates the 2022 evolution of electricity bills in Spanish households, with a special focus on vulnerable ones, thus simulating alternative scenarios to evaluate both the impact of the energy prices’ rise and the positive effect of the national emergency measures.
The results show that these policies significantly reduced regulated market consumers’ bills, the vulnerable ones being the most protected by them.

Spanish layman's summary:

Este trabajo estima la evolución en 2022 de la factura eléctrica de los hogares españoles, con especial atención a los vulnerables, simulando escenarios alternativos para evaluar tanto el impacto de la subida de precios de la energía como el efecto positivo de las medidas nacionales de emergencia.

English layman's summary:

This paper theoretically estimates the 2022 evolution of electricity bills in Spanish households, with a special focus on vulnerable ones, thus simulating alternative scenarios to evaluate both the impact of the energy prices’ rise and the positive effect of the national emergency measures.

Keywords: Energy crisis, Vulnerable consumers, Electricity bills, Short-term emergency measures, Spain

Publication date: 2023-05-24.

R. Barrella, Energy burden in a time of crisis: analysing the evolution of electricity bills in Spanish households, XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética, Castellon de la Plana (Spain). 24-26 May 2023.

    Research topics:
  • Energy poverty: Indicators, policy and regulation